Seriously though, today was tough. Our Health/Society lecture today was the 3rd in a 4-part series on the Body as Machine idea. Basically it's exploring the notion of how focusing athletes on treating their bodies as machines teaches them to potentially ignore emotions which are normal, and the effects this can have...and of course, it hits really close to home as I battle my own demons of disordered eating and ignoring pain and taking things to extremes.
Then we jumped right into our Health lecture featuring a guest lecturer who is actually someone I hugely respect here at school. I met with him in the Fall when they were looking for candidates for a study on the female triad syndrome in athletes, but I didn't qualify because of my age category. He did take the time to meet with me though, and we had a really great conversation. He was one of the first professionals I felt comfortable enough to approach regarding my condition, and he was not only super informative as this is his area of study, but he was really considerate and kind.
At several points during his lecture though, I felt my emotions well up and just wanted to cry. LIke I said, it's a health issue that hits really close to home, and I just needed some comforting.
So then I finished off the morning with my tutorial, still feeling a bit raw from the amenorrhea lecture, and while we had some great discussions in class, there was a weird moment where I felt like one of the students got some unfair treatment and it left me feeling kinda meh.
So after all that, I am happy to report that I was able to separate my emotions from my food, and stayed in my deficit, AND reached out to several friends for some much needed spirit/mood boosting.
I'm really feeling the whole vibe of where I'm at that "boring" stage of fat loss where it's pretty much where I need to practice patience with the consistency. Such is life eh? But it's really not so bad, I'm in a good zone mentally. All in all, I give today a thumbs up