I've been eating in a deficit since about mid February, so it's time for a dieting break. I still have some fat loss to do to reach my body composition goals, but I'm following the recommendations of Leigh Peele to take 10-14 day break following a 12-week deficit plan. I've actually been in a deficit for longer, but I was really scared to do the refeed for fears of the return of the binge monkeys.
So far...not bad!
Had a trip-up at the start though, which I think is to be expected.
Here's a recap I composed yesterday morning, followed by last night's observations.
So, here is Wednesday, mid-week for my journey.
What a ride! I started on Saturday, and it was a very nervous day, and in retrospect, I can see how I got all worked up about it, which caused a bit of a chain reaction in me in terms of my starve/binge cycling history with food.
I jumped in full throttle (of course) instead of taking it slow, and that included a glass of wine on Saturday night while I was waiting for my friend to go to a movie. I allotted for the cals, so that part was fine, but it was more the mental exercise of doing it.
I arrived at the movie theatre and parked the car much earlier than I thought, so I figured I would try and be "normal" and waited at the bar across from the theatre and enjoyed a glass of wine while catching up on the newspaper and watching the start of the game. (CBC Hockey Night in Canada). It was great actually, I paced myself, had a glass of water, and felt relaxed and like I was participating in something social and normal for the first time in months. *Quick background: I have a tendency towards isolating myself and avoiding social situations due to my issues with food, so this was a pretty big moment for me.
Well, alcohol and I don't mix all too well, and I'm sure it was also hugely related to my general anxiety around not only the upcoming refeed (I'm a lifelong dieter) and some personal issues I'm dealing with in regards to my mother. So I didn't sleep well at all on Saturday, and so I woke up super early on Sunday feeling tired. I spent the morning quietly doing my fave Sunday things, and then spent some time with my mom at a Farmer's Market/Art show thing at the Parkdale Market in Hintonburg here in Ottawa. It was nice, but by the time I got home around 2pm I was spent emotionally and physically. And I binged. And then I felt like a huge failure since I hadn't binged like that in months, but I recognized right away the events leading up to it, and managed to get past it really well actually.
So Monday was a lower calorie day, partly to compensate and partly because I really had no appetite and was still digesting much of the food from the day before. Went to bed super early Monday night, and had my first calm day of the refeed yesterday.
Observations: holy crap, I feel like I'm eating SO MUCH Food!! LOL. But I'm not really, everything is still being measured out and uber controlled by moi (yeah yeah I know, working on it haha) so I know that I'm not overeating, but I am feeling alternating moments of fullness and satiety and then moments of headaches and like I'm really really hungry as if I were still in a deficit. I know this is my body working out its own homeostasis, so I'm practicing patience, and trusting in the process.
But it's really hard at time not to go back to just doing another deficit week. Just yesterday morning, during my morning walk and reflective time, I had to remind myself yet again of my goals that I declared on Saturday. And I really fought it - but I just calmly told myself that this is one week, and re-read all the wonderful advice and facts & figures from my amazing BBE Forum peeps, including the brilliant and talented Miss Leigh and Mr. Fass, and I decided to stay the course.
So, essentially, I guess yesterday was really the first day of not feeling the anxiety around the food, and that was cool. I'm noticing that some of my other habits have returned, like the fidgeting and not being able to sit still for long. If anyone has listened to Leigh talk about those personality traits in people with high levels of NEAT, I can definitely relate.
Does anyone else out there meditate? You know how it's about learning to observe your thoughts as opposed to controlling them? I've been observing my actions/energy levels/body signals the past few months like never before, and I can really see changes when I'm dieting versus when I'm eating more. It's interesting and, because I'm a total nerd, utterly fascinating!!! I feel like I'm my own science experiment in a way. C'est fun! (holla all you fellow anglophone/francophone Ontario Franglish speakers, you know you're out there!!)
And Wednesday Night:
This morning's workout was great!
I woke up early, feeling rested and full of good energy to start the day. Since I was up early, I had some extra time on my hands which made for a proper fuel and digestion before my workout which was noticeable. Could I be enjoying this eating at maintenance thing? Hmm....me thinks I am!
Today's workout was a quick dynamic warmup ('natch) and some shoulder overhead presses before a run. I am running about once a week right now, and Wednesdays seem to be my day of choice, so I run with it. Get it? Hehe
For any of you who listened to Todd Durkin's talk about on episode 177 of the Fitcast, he speaks about the importance of having your morning meditation time. Now, I've always had a sort of meditation-type relationship with running, but I often took my running, and other workouts, to extremes. But mainly right now the focus is trying to figure out how to achieve a kind of balance. First and foremost with food, and that is also why I've got such an emotional investment in doing a “maintenance/refeed" week. Whether you relate to the yin/yang kind of balance that is achieved through sport/rest, food intake/energy output, work/life, or the more philosophical way of pondering the bigger meanings to things in life, it's all kind of different degrees of the same unit. Different units of measurement if you will. And there I go on another tangent....
Anyways, so all that to say running for me is my zen time. And today, being properly fueled made for a wonderful run. I kept it short, 25 mins, and I even managed to fight off the urge to go faster, or do speed intervals. So just did my thang, nice and steady, purely to enjoy the 25 mins of “me” time to let my mind wander and enjoy the music on my ipod, and it was AMAZING!! I had so many fresh insights and little moments of joy, creative ideas, new ways of handling some problem people in my life, all in all I was able to make a plan for my day. Also, knowing that I was purposely doing a maintenance week, I was able to give myself permission to not have to do a speed workout, or crazy hills, or whatever. It was really nice.
I realized something else today that I didn't even notice this morning – I didn't even check the treadmill to see how far I ran during that 25 mins. I have never done that!!! I usually check my distance, and then sometimes will run a bit longer, or faster near the end so as to meet whatever goal I think I need to do before I'm allowed to stop. Fine for when you need to really push through a workout to make improvement, but not necessary or even healthy to do that EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT! Haha, so it really made me so happy to notice that, it's cool.
Also, I just really enjoyed my run. Period. I was totally in a happy place near the end (I can tell because that's when I start my goofy smile while running), and then my water bottle flew off the treadmill. I didn't lose a beat, and just figured I would get it when I was done. I did a quick shoulder check and saw that it had rolled next to the wall, so I was cool knowing it wasn't in anyone's way. Then some guy came up and put it back on the treadmill for me! So I took off my earphones to thank him, and then when I got back to thoughts, I kind of thought to myself how cool it is when you just let go, and lo and behold people voluntarily help you out of the blue, out of the kindness of their nature, and it's just really neat. I am not used to asking for help, so it was something I chose to interpret as a life lesson in a way. Kinda like karma in a sense...I dunno, maybe that sounds wishy washy to some people, but it's something I think about a lot. Like, do you ever just have a day where you are really tuned into your intuition and things just flow?! I've been having a lot of those the past couple months since I figured out how to really focus, it's been crazy cool.
Anyways, I'm actually enjoying myself now that I have finally let go and gave into the refeed. So for anyone out there who is struggling...it's just one week. Plan it out, do your thang, but embrace it
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lazy Sunday
So I was up early today, and didn't have a very restful sleep. I'll get into why in just a moment, but first, I wanted to revisit some of my old goals that I posted on here on Dec 31, 2009, and entitled "2010 Lynda List"
1. I will get back to 125lbs for May 2010.
I got to 130, but more importantly, I fit into all my clothes again. Right now I'm on a 1-week break from being in a deficit, and am eating in a maintenance range of calories. Then I will start another cutting phase to take me to the end of the summer, or at least the next 12 weeks. At that time, I will do another dieting break.
2. I will navigate the Winter school term with a focus on my personal well being, and not getting overwhelmed and stressed.
I scored A's and A+'s on my last 3 essay assignments in various classes, and my final essay on my Kine1000 exam was an A+. I figured out how to write, and how to study. It actually blew my mind, re-igniting my passion for writing.
3. I will graduate from York University with a degree in Kinesiology.
For obvious reasons, this hasn't been completed yet. ;) But I now have a solid plan which I worked out with a wonderful Academic Advisor before I left campus. So to further clarify this goal: Undergrad in Kine, Master in Psychology, and PhD.
4. I will travel to Europe and live/work there for a period of time no less than 3 months.
For the same reason as above, this is a long-term goal, and so it hasn't yet happened. But I think of it constantly, and it acts as a kind of anchor for when I'm feeling tired, or rundown.
5. I will get a roomie in Fall 2010 and live in downtown Toronto, and commute to school with my monthly TTC pass.
I met Trinh in line at the Second Cup while chatting with Priscilla about places to rent, and now all 3 of us are signed off on a 2-year lease for a 3-bedroom townhouse in the Village next to campus. I am super excited about it!
So with that out of the way, I want to talk about why I'm so tired this morning.
Yesterday was the first day of my refeed, and I was really anxious leading up to it. I've known for a while that I needed to do one, but I delayed it because I wasn't quite where I wanted to be for my move back to Ottawa. I knew that going back to the office was making me really nervous, because I didn't want to arrive fat. That's another topic for another day of course, but the point is, I was due for a break.
So I posted my worries on the BBE forums, and got some amazing replies back. Everyone who responded was not only supportive, but helped me to come up with a strategy, and reminded me that maintenance is just that - maintaining my weight, not gaining.
So I planned out my meals for the day, but still felt really anxious about eating more. But I kept just thinking back to making sure I didn't binge, and reminding myself to practice patience. I don't have to eat everything in one day! I even ended up at The Green Door for lunch, and served myself a plate of food made from a mindspace of calm, and honest intention.
I enjoy the spelt bread so much there, I allowed myself a slice of the onion/herb kind, with a pat of real butter. Then the second item I love there are the spinach/feta phyllo dough thingys, so I had one of those. And the third and final food item I go there for is the carob/chocolate cake. I served myself a small slice, and filled out the rest of my plate with wonderful green veggies, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and 3 olives.
I had fiddleheads, asparagus, green beans, peas in the pod, and a spicy kale salad. All were fresh, organically and locally grown, and cooked to perfection so as to be super bright green! I sat down at the table, and practiced being mindful about each and every bite. I put my fork down in between mouthfuls, and concentrated on actually chewing and tasting my food. I ate the greens first, and then slowly picked up the slice of bread. I broke the rather larger chunk into about 4 smaller chunks, and ate it slowly. I paid really close attention to when I started to feel my belly fill. I kept telling myself I was allowed to leave food behind on the plate if I was full, and that doing so was ok. I noticed two young women sit down next to me started to talk to one another in french, and it reminded me of what I've read regarding how the French really enjoy the full dining experience, and don't shovel in their food.
After my meal was done, I sat and waited for about 15 minutes before I started on my dessert. I took small bites, and wow, it was delicious! Each slice was topped with a solitary almond, and I even recall thinking that I would allow myself the slice, but leave the almond behind when I caught myself, and realized just how obsessive that thinking truly sounded. I ate the almond in the next bite! ;)
On the bus ride home, I started to have rushing thoughts of "Oh my god, I need to make sure I don't freak out, I need to remember to take deep breaths" and then all of a sudden I told myself "Stop. You are the one controlling your thoughts right now. Just stop. Be calm." And then I was. It was a quick and purposeful shift. And the calmness lasted long enough to enable me to mentally calculate the calories from that meal, and figure out how much dinner I could have while still staying within the range of maintenance calories.
Did I struggle with wanting to just say screw it, and have a big dinner anyways because I'd "already blown it" with the bread and cake? Absolutely. But I didn't. Instead, at dinner time, I had my planned meal of zucchini and home-made tomato sauce, and the last of my laughing cow wedges with some olives. Then I went to Starbucks to enjoy a decaf, double long espresso and journal my thoughts onto paper before heading to the movie theatre. I wasn't sure about parking, so I was a full 30 mins earlier, so I nipped into O'Connors and sat at the bar with a glass of wine while waiting for Rebeca. And that is why I didn't sleep so well. LOL
Something about wine doesn't agree with me. I had the glass around 7ish, and stretched it out a full 45 minutes, and nursed a glass of water at the same time. When I got home and actually crawled into bed just before midnight, right away I noticed my stomach was upset, and gassy, and I felt really uncomfortable. Through the night, I woke up a few times, and had to get up around 3:30 am for some water because I had the worst dry mouth. But my pee was clear as water, so I know I was hydrated enough, so it was the alcohol giving me the dry mouth. At 4am, I couldn't sleep anymore, and so I got up. I still have a mild headache, and it's about 6:30 am as I right this. I've had my regular breakfast and decaf coffee, and some water. But I feel really tired, and that I could almost go back to bed in a bit. I just might do that. But first I journaled on paper about my decision to treat wine as a celebratory treat instead of something I'm depriving myself of, and I've decided to give those 2 bottles of wine Andrew purchased for me back to him. I just don't enjoy it THAT much. I would prefer to fit in a few bites of dark chocolate at the end of my day, and leave the wine for someone else. Knowing this about myself is really cool, because it's a decision purely made by me, and not by what anyone else thinks I "should" be able to eat or not eat. :) It feels great!!
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