Ever notice how hearing the cars drive by in the rain has a sort of lullaby effect and makes you want to stay in bed? That's how I fell asleep last night....ahhh, felt so good. I love this picture by the way, I love the style of it, and its energy.
Had an AMAZING dream which actually involved a co-worker who I really admire, but in this dream, he and I were talking relationship and it was so cool. In reality, he's happily married, and I would never so much as flirt with him because I respect him so much, but the dream was cool because it gave me a lot to think about in terms of what I was attracted to ..in the dream. If you can keep up with me and the little sense I seem to be making! But he was attractive, supportive, and believed in me. This is the kind of man I see myself being with, and the kind of man I have yet to meet.
I really think that the power of what is in your thoughts is what determines what will happen in real life. So, I'm resolving to fully believe that I will meet a wonderful man with whom I can share my life, and who will support me in my endeavers towards a life geared around fitness and well being.
Yesterday I let the angry binge monkeys crowd around me and take me down. It's so hard being at work right now knowing that I fully do not intend to be there 1 year from now. Sadly, it's directly interfering with my fitness goals. But the mornings, and in the evenings when I get home from work are the best parts of my day. The regular, repeated stress of tolerating my job is getting to me and threatens to get ugly, well damn..it already IS ugly.
Today I vow: I will put out positive, hopeful energy into the world today, in the hopes that energy will in turn find me out and fuel me through to the evening.